Learn 4 Easy Ways to Crop GIFs

When you want to remove unwanted areas or objects from a GIF, you may want to crop it. Also, cropping animated GIFs can help to focus on specific parts and reduce file sizes. However, most commonly-used image editors don’t allow you to edit GIFs. This post will share four helpful methods to crop GIFs without losing quality.

How to Crop GIF
Part 1. Best Way to Crop a GIF
Part 2. Crop a GIF in Photoshop
Part 3. Crop Animated GIFs Online
Part 4. Crop a GIF on iPhone
Part 5. FAQs of How to Crop a GIF

Part 1. Best Way to Crop a GIF

Cropping a GIF can be useful in various scenarios. To crop a GIF, you will need to use an image editor or a specialized GIF cropper that can handle GIF files. Here we strongly recommend the all-featured ArkThinker Video Converter Ultimate for you to easily crop and edit GIFs. Moreover, it lets to crop any animated GIFs with ease.

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Free download this GIF editor on your computer and open it. Under the конвертер feature, click + to browse and import your GIF file. You can crop several GIFs at a time. Also, it allows you to crop a video to a GIF file.

Головний інтерфейс Arkthinker
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When loaded, you can see some basic information about your GIF, such as the file size, resolution, duration, and more. Click the Редагувати button to access its inbuilt GIF editor.

Edit Crop a GIF
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Переконайтеся, що ви використовуєте Обертання та обрізання function, then drag the cropping points to freely crop a GIF. You can freely adjust the aspect ratio to focus on specific parts of the animation and make it more visually appealing. It lets you directly preview the cropped GIF result. When you are satisfied with it, click the в порядку кнопку, щоб зберегти зміни.

Crop a GIF in VCU

You can use other editing options to optimize the output GIF quality during this step. For instance, you can apply a new filter, customize its image effects, and add a watermark.

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Виберіть GIF as the output format from Перетворити все на. You can set the output GIF encoder, resolution, frame rate, and color settings based on your need. Also, you can enable Цикл анімації як тобі до вподоби.

Output a GIF Customize Profile

The recommended GIF cropper has an individual GIF Maker to create animated GIFs from videos and images. You can go to Ящик інструментів to use it.

GIF Maker

Part 2. How to Crop a GIF Using Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a famous and powerful image editor that carries various commonly-used editing features. It can edit nearly all image formats, including PSD, JPG, PNG, SVG, and GIF. Cropping a GIF in Photoshop can be a quick and easy process. You can download Photoshop on your computer and take the step-by-step guide below to crop a GIF file.

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The first step of cropping a GIF in Photoshop is to open the animated GIF in the program. Open Photoshop, click the Файл menu in the upper-left corner and choose the ВІДЧИНЕНО option to load your GIF.

Add GIF to Photoshop
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To crop a GIF using Photoshop, you need to enable 3D mode. That will allow you to edit your animated GIF frame by frame.

Enable Photoshop 3D Mode
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Виберіть Урожай tool from the left panel and use it to crop your GIF according to your need. The Crop tool is represented by a square with a diagonal line. After cropping the GIF file, click Файл, йти до Експорт, а потім виберіть Експорт як to export your cropped GIF.

Crop a GIF in Photoshop

Part 3. How to Crop Animated GIFs Online

Many free GIF editors online offered on the market can help you crop animated GIFs easily. Here we take the popular Ezgif as an example of how to crop a GIF online for free. It is a web-based GIF cropper that allows you to resize your GIFs directly on a web browser.

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Open your browser, search for Ezgif, and navigate its official website. When you reach Ezgif, click the Урожай tab to enter a specific Crop animated GIF image page. Click Виберіть Файл to choose the GIF file you want to crop, then click the Завантажити button. You can also drag and drop the animated GIF into the area provided.

Select Upload a GIF to Ezgif
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You can view your GIF file, check its file information, then use the sliders to adjust the crop to your liking. You can choose to crop by pixels or percentage. Click the Crop image кнопку для підтвердження операції.

Crop a GIF Online Free Using Ezgif
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Preview the cropped GIF to ensure it looks how you want it to. You can use other options to edit and optimize the GIF file output. Then click зберегти to download this cropped GIF on your device.

Save Cropped GIF Ezgif

Part 4. How to Free Crop a GIF on Your iPhone

iOS comes with a built-in image editor to easily edit and crop your images. You can easily access it in the Photos app and crop your GIFs on an iPhone or iPad. To free crop a GIF on an iPhone, follow the steps below.

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Відкрийте Фотографії app and open the GIF you want to crop. Tap Редагувати in the upper-right corner to use its image editor.

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Торкніться Урожай button and use the cropping tool to select the portion of the GIF you want to keep. Then tap Готово in the bottom right to crop the GIF. The cropped GIF will replace the source file and be stored in the Photos app.

Fre3e Crop a GIF on iPhone

Part 5. FAQs of How to Crop a GIF

Can I crop GIF into a circle?

Yes. You can easily crop a GIF into a circle in Photoshop. Use the method above to crop your GIF. Select the circle cropping tool to do that. Also, some online GIF croppers let you crop GIFs into circles, such as Kapwing, Flixier, and VEED.

Can GIPHY crop animated GIF files?

No. GIPHY carries millions of GIFs for you to browse and download. It gives a convenient way to convert images and video clips to animated GIFs. But it does not have a cropping tool to crop your GIF file. It only allows you to add captions, texts, and stickers to GIFs.

How do you turn a GIF into an editable text?

You can turn a GIF file into a document file when you want to convert it to editable text. Many GIF converters like Convertio and FreeConvert allow you to easily convert GIFs to editable texts.


У цій публікації в основному говорилося про how to crop a GIF. You can learn four different methods to crop part of a GIF file. They should work for most GIFs regardless of their length or size. You can select your preferred GIF cropper to edit animated GIFs with no loss of detail or clarity.

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Рейтинг: 4.9 / 5 (на основі 472 голоси)

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